The Future of Digital Marketing in Leicester: Trends to Watch

By Easy Internet

Digital Marketing Landscape in Leicester

As digital marketing continues to shape the business landscape in Leicester, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses to thrive. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the future of digital marketing in Leicester and highlight key trends that are set to revolutionise the industry. By understanding and leveraging these trends, businesses can unlock new opportunities, attract more customers, and drive growth in the evolving digital landscape.

voice search and AI

Rise of Voice Search and AI

Voice search is gaining momentum, with virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant becoming increasingly popular. Explore the impact of voice search on digital marketing strategies in Leicester, and learn how to optimise content to cater to voice queries. Additionally, discover the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing customer experiences, personalisation, and data-driven decision-making.

Voice search has truly revolutionised the way people seek information on the internet. The sheer convenience of speaking directly to our devices has led to a surge in users embracing voice queries to swiftly find products, services, and information. As this trend gains momentum, businesses in Leicester must proactively adapt their digital marketing strategies to align with this evolving user behavior. 


The rise of voice search has introduced a new dimension to online interactions. Rather than relying solely on traditional text-based searches, users now prefer the ease and naturalness of conversational voice queries. The changing search behavior presents both challenges and opportunities for businesses aiming to remain relevant in the dynamic digital landscape. 


To remain competitive in the Leicester market, optimising content for voice queries has become paramount. Understanding the nuances of how people phrase their voice searches can help businesses tailor their content accordingly. By incorporating common conversational language and addressing frequently asked questions, brands can enhance their chances of being featured in voice search results.

video marketing

Video Marketing Dominance

Video has become a dominant force in digital marketing, captivating audiences and driving engagement. Delve into the power of video content and its impact on brand storytelling, social media marketing, and customer engagement. Learn how to create compelling video content tailored to Leicester’s audience, and leverage platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram to reach your target market effectively.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, video has emerged as a dominant force, capturing audiences’ attention and driving unparalleled engagement. The power of video content goes beyond conventional marketing approaches, making it a crucial element for businesses in Leicester seeking to make a lasting impact in the digital realm.

The Impact of Video Content:

Videos possess a remarkable ability to evoke emotions, share captivating stories, and deliver messages in a visually compelling manner. This dynamic medium has transformed the way brands connect with their audiences, allowing them to create more meaningful and authentic interactions. Through the power of visuals, sound, and storytelling, businesses can forge deeper connections with their customers and leave a lasting impression.

Brand Storytelling:

Incorporating video into a brand’s storytelling strategy has become essential for businesses in Leicester. Storytelling through video enables brands to humanise their messages, showcase their values, and establish a strong emotional connection with their target audience. By conveying narratives that resonate with the viewers’ emotions and aspirations, brands can effectively build trust and loyalty.

Social Media Marketing:

Video content reigns supreme in social media marketing, providing businesses in Leicester with an ideal platform to engage their audiences. Social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are teeming with video content, making them ideal channels to reach and connect with the target market effectively.


By being one of the world’s largest video-sharing platforms, presents an incredible opportunity for businesses in Leicester to display their products, share informative content, and cultivate a loyal audience through consistent video uploads. It serves as an expansive stage where brands can creatively engage with their customers, expand their reach, and establish a strong online presence.


This short-form video platform has taken the world by storm, especially among younger audiences. Leveraging TikTok allows businesses to creatively showcase their products or services, participate in trending challenges, and build a youthful and energetic brand image.

Instagram: With its Stories, Reels, and IGTV features, Instagram provides diverse ways for businesses to leverage video content. Brands can engage their followers with behind-the-scenes content, product demonstrations, and visually appealing brand stories.

Customer Engagement:

Video content enhances customer engagement by offering a more interactive and immersive experience. Whether it’s product demonstrations, tutorials, or customer testimonials, videos provide an engaging way for businesses to communicate with their audience. Responding to comments and engaging in conversations on video posts further strengthens the bond between the brand and its customers.

Creating Compelling Video Content:

To harness the power of video in Leicester’s digital marketing landscape, businesses must focus on creating compelling and high-quality content. Understanding the preferences and interests of the local audience is key to tailoring video content that resonates with them.

Authenticity: Authenticity is paramount in video content. Being genuine and transparent fosters a stronger emotional connection with the audience, leading to increased trust and credibility.


Crafting captivating narratives that evoke emotions and align with the brand’s values helps in building a strong brand identity and connecting with the audience on a deeper level.

Visual Appeal: 

High-quality visuals, aesthetics, and production value play a significant role in capturing and retaining viewers’ attention.


By incorporating distinct and persuasive calls-to-action (CTAs), businesses can prompt viewers to take desired actions, such as visiting the website, subscribing to the channel, or making a purchase. These well-crafted CTAs serve as effective invitations, guiding the audience towards valuable engagements and fostering a stronger relationship with the brand.

customer experience

Personalisation and Customer Experience

Nowadays, customers crave personalised experiences that cater specifically to their individual preferences and needs. For businesses in Leicester, creating a unique and tailored touch is essential to connect with the diverse customer base and stand out in the competitive market. Understanding the significance of delivering customised messages, content, and recommendations is the key to forming meaningful connections that drive success.


Harnessing data and automation is crucial to achieving the level of personalisation. Businesses gain invaluable insights by delving into their customer’s preferences, behaviors, and demographics. These insights empower them to curate content and design marketing campaigns that deeply resonate with their target audience.


Imagine receiving a marketing message that speaks directly to your interests and needs—it’s a game-changer! Customers are more likely to engage and remain loyal when they feel that a brand truly understands and values them as individuals.


Automating these personalised experiences not only ensures consistency but also allows businesses to reach a wider audience. Each interaction feels authentic and tailored, making customers feel valued and appreciated. From personalised product recommendations to exclusive customised offers, these campaigns create a deeper level of engagement that traditional mass marketing strategies simply cannot achieve.


In Leicester’s digital landscape, adopting a customer-centric approach is essential, and personalisation lies at the heart of it all. Placing the customer at the center of marketing efforts and leveraging the wealth of data and technology available can elevate a brand above the competition. By tailoring experiences to meet individual needs, businesses can foster long-lasting relationships with their valued customers and establish a strong position in the market.

social media evolution

Social Media Evolution

In 2023, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become central pillars in the realm of digital marketing. These platforms are instrumental in defining how brands, particularly in Leicester, connect and engage with their audiences. Emerging trends such as ephemeral content, influencer marketing, and social commerce are redefining the rules of engagement. By understanding and leveraging these trends, brands can foster meaningful connections with potential customers.

In the midst of this evolution, certain content types are proving to be game-changers for audience engagement:


Going beyond traditional infographics, instructographics offer step-by-step visual guides on various subjects. Their visual appeal and clarity make them a favorite on social media platforms. They serve as a tool for brands to illustrate how their products or services can cater to specific needs.

AR-Powered Storytelling:

Augmented Reality (AR) is taking content marketing by storm. By merging virtual elements with the real world, AR provides an immersive experience. This technology is especially potent for tutorials, product demonstrations, and interactive advertisements.


A blend of storytelling and visuals, storyboards are sequences of images and text that narrate a story. They resonate with audiences because they create emotional connections, making the brand message more impactful.


A soaring popularity makes podcasts a must-have in a brand’s digital strategy. They offer a platform to discuss intricate topics, promote products, share brand narratives, and engage audiences in deep conversations.

Carousel Posts:

Predominantly found on Instagram and LinkedIn, carousel posts are interactive multi-image posts. They captivate viewers for extended periods, especially when the visuals are compelling and the narrative is engaging.

Ephemeral Posts:

With a lifespan of just 24 hours, ephemeral posts on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat capitalise on the audience’s FOMO. They are ideal for promotions, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interactive content like polls or brand-specific filters.

Screencast Videos:

Essentially video recordings of a computer screen with audio narration, screencasts are educational and engaging. They are perfect for tutorials, training sessions, and presentations, offering a visual and auditory learning experience.

mobile optimisation and apps

Mobile Optimisation and Progressive Web Apps

Mobile devices have become the primary means of accessing the internet, and as we delve into the midst of 2023, the importance of mobile optimisation for websites, applications, and advertising campaigns cannot be overstated. Here’s an expanded insight into the significance of mobile optimisation:

The Shift to Mobile-First Design

With the proliferation of mobile phones surpassing desktop computers in both numbers and usage, the emphasis on mobile-responsive design has transitioned from a mere luxury to an absolute necessity. But just being responsive isn’t enough. To truly convert website visitors into customers, businesses must ensure their sites are fully optimised for mobile.

What is Mobile Optimisation?

Mobile optimisation is more than just fitting content onto a smaller screen. It’s about tailoring the entire user experience for mobile devices. This means ensuring that visitors accessing a site from mobile devices receive content that’s customised for their device, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Why Mobile Optimisation Matters

For retailers, understanding the elements of a smooth purchasing experience is crucial. This involves optimising all online touchpoints, with mobile being a key player. As consumers increasingly use multiple devices to browse and shop, offering a frictionless experience across all these devices, especially mobile, becomes paramount. Without a mobile-first approach, businesses risk losing potential customers to competitors with better mobile experiences.

Challenges in Mobile Conversions

Despite the surge in mobile internet access, conversion rates on mobile remain lower than desktop. Common issues include usability difficulties such as tiny buttons, unclear forms, and slow page loads. Such challenges can lead to abandoned carts and lost sales.

Key Features of a Mobile-Optimised Experience

A truly mobile-optimised site offers:

  • Larger, easily clickable buttons
  • Lightweight images for faster loading
  • Auto-fill form fields and location detection
  • Guest checkout options
  • Minimal scrolling with multiple screens as alternatives
  • Secure payment options like PayPal, Apple Pay, or Google Pay

The Role of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) elevate the mobile user experience by merging the strengths of both web and mobile apps. This fusion enables users to engage with web content in a manner reminiscent of native apps. PWAs can be crucial for businesses in Leicester’s mobile-first digital landscape, offering enhanced user experiences, increased engagement, and higher conversion rates.

data privacy

Data Privacy and Ethical Marketing

Data privacy has become a paramount concern for consumers, and businesses are required to adapt to these changing dynamics. Here’s an expanded overview of the significance of data privacy and ethical marketing in the UK, based on the latest updates from 2023:

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), initiated as a data protection statute by the EU, came into force on May 25th, 2018. As of 2023, the impact of this rule has become even more profound. It sets rigorous standards for entities handling personal data within the European Union (EU). Failing to adhere can lead to hefty fines, up to four percent of an organisation’s global annual revenue or 20 million euros (~$20 million), whichever is more substantial. Additionally, if an individual’s rights are compromised due to poor data handling, companies are required to inform them promptly.

Resource Link:

Consumer Rights and GDPR

The GDPR has empowered individuals with distinct rights concerning their personal data. These rights encompass:

  • Being informed about data usage.
  • Accessing their data.
  • Correcting inaccurate data.
  • Requesting data erasure.
  • Restricting or opposing data processing.
  • Data portability, allowing for data reuse across services.
  • Rights concerning automated decision-making and profiling. 

GDPR's Scope

It’s essential to recognise that the GDPR doesn’t solely apply to EU-based companies. Any organisation worldwide, processing the personal data of EU residents, falls under the purview of the GDPR.

Understanding Personal Data

Under the GDPR, personal data encompasses any information that can identify an individual, such as names, email addresses, IP addresses, and even device IDs.

Privacy by Design and Default

A novel concept introduced by the GDPR, Privacy by Design and Default (PbD), emphasises that privacy should be an integral part of system designs. It mandates that personal data be anonymised before storage, ensuring GDPR compliance.

Purpose Limitation and Data Minimisation

The GDPR stresses that personal data should be collected for explicit, specific, and legitimate purposes and should not be processed in ways incompatible with those purposes. This principle, known as purpose limitation, also restricts the sharing of sensitive information with third parties without explicit consent. Closely related is the principle of data minimisation, which dictates that only necessary personal data should be collected.

Data Transparency, Portability, and the Accountability Principle

Transparency is a cornerstone of the GDPR, requiring organisations to provide clear information about their data processing activities. Additionally, data portability allows individuals to move their personal data between service providers. The accountability principle mandates that organisations demonstrate GDPR compliance, ensuring they can provide evidence of their adherence to the regulation.

GDPR Data Processing Agreement (DPA)

A vital component of GDPR compliance is the Data Processing Agreement (DPA). This legally binding contract delineates the terms for third-party data processors, ensuring the lawful, fair, and transparent processing of personal data.

The Future of GDPR

While GDPR serves as a robust framework for data privacy, many countries outside the EU have adopted or are in the process of formulating their data protection laws. This global movement towards data regulations means that GDPR might not remain the sole standard for data protection. Organisations must stay updated on all data law developments and decide on the best approach to ensure compliance.

augmented reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are revolutionising digital marketing strategies, providing deeply immersive experiences that truly engage and mesmerise audiences. Here’s an expanded insight into the potential of these technologies for businesses in Leicester:

Integration of AR & VR in Digital Marketing

Brands are increasingly integrating AR and VR into their digital marketing strategies. VR digital marketing, for instance, bridges the gap between experience and action, allowing companies to provide digital experiences that simulate real-world interactions. This can be especially beneficial for businesses aiming to provide interactive product demonstrations or virtual tours.

Leveraging Augmented Reality in Marketing

Augmented reality (AR) is emerging as a trend within marketing and sales strategies. It allows brands to offer an enhanced reality to their customers, overlaying digital information on the real world. This can be particularly effective for product demonstrations, allowing customers to visualise products in their own environment before making a purchase.

Virtual Reality's Impact on Marketing

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) aren’t just for tech enthusiasts anymore. Today, businesses from startups to giants are weaving these innovations into their marketing game plans. VR, in particular, offers users a three-dimensional experience through headsets, plunging them into a crafted virtual environment.

AR and VR Beyond Marketing

Beyond just marketing, businesses are weaving AR and VR into their daily operational activities. They leverage the power of VR to establish brand awareness by creating engaging content tailored to their marketing strategies. Campaigns that utilise these technologies can captivate audiences, driving higher engagement and conversions.

Challenges and Considerations

While AR and VR offer immense potential, they come with their set of challenges. For instance, AR and VR devices can be heavy, potentially affecting the overall user experience. As the market addresses these challenges, businesses need to stay updated and adapt their strategies accordingly.


The future of digital marketing in Leicester is brimming with exciting possibilities. With the rise of voice search, video marketing, personalisation, evolving social media, mobile optimisation, data privacy, and AR/VR, businesses have the chance to outpace competitors and leave a lasting mark in the digital world. To truly harness these trends and refine your strategies, consider partnering with Leicester’s top digital marketing agency – Easy Internet Services and Solutions. Contact us now and let us help you dive into the future, elevate your brand, and unlock unparalleled digital success in Leicester’s dynamic market.